Monthly Archives: November 2014

Photography Time

SAM_5462I’ve miss you since I’ve been off my blog the past few months.  It’s great to be back.  Though I haven’t been posting, I’ve been thinking about my blog and how I want to grow with it.  So I am going to add a category for photography.

I’m pretty excited about this, however, I first need to state the facts for you.  I am just a regular person with a simple digital camera.  I have no formal or informal photography training.  I just know that I like to take pictures and it is something I am interested in learning more about.  Thus adding photography to my blog will encourage me to move in that direction and provide a place for me to share my pictures.  I hope you enjoy!

To get us started, here are just a couple of pictures I took today of some fall leaves lingering around on some trees.  I love the fall colors displayed in front of the pretty blue sky.
